MICHELLE Denise Bernard, a journalist, political analyst, lawyer, author and president and CEO of the Bernard Center for Women, Politics and Public Policy will be the guest speaker at The Kiwanis Club of New Kingston’s 25th anniversary luncheon on June 18. The all-female club is made up of a group of professional and businesswomen who […]
CNN & MSNBC’s Michelle Bernard for Kiwanis event

American journalist, political analyst, and lawyer Michelle Bernard will be the special guest at the Kiwanis Club of New Kingston’s 25th anniversary luncheon on June 18. Bernard, who is also president and CEO of the Bernard Center for Women, Politics & Public Policy, is scheduled to deliver an international perspective to the luncheon’s theme ‘Women’s […]
IOWA: Michelle Bernard Analyzes How American Women Are Changing Politics

Monday, May 18, 2015 11:24 AM Attorney, author and political analyst Michelle Bernard was the 27th woman to join the elite group of speakers visiting Iowa State University through the sponsorship of the Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics. “I am here tonight to tell you that American women are changing politics,” Bernard told […]
Team Redstone Observes Women’s History Month

Posted: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 9:09 am By KATIE DAVIS SKELLEY Staff writer, The Redstone Rocket, katie.skelley@theredstonerocket.com | 0 comments While great accomplishments have been made in the quest for women’s equality, there is still a need for “foot soldiers for justice,” according to Michelle Bernard, keynote speaker for the Women’s History Month observance. “Weaving […]
Michelle D. Bernard: Women’s History Month Event Rescheduled

Posted: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 8:28 am | Updated: 8:29 am, Wed Apr 8, 2015. By USASAC Public Affairs | 0 comments The Security Assistance Command will hold this year’s Women’s History Month observance for the Team Redstone Equal Employment Opportunity Office on April 20 at 10 a.m. in Bob Jones Auditorium. This event was rescheduled […]
Why Clinton Should Announce 2016 Campaign in Iowa

Kathie Obradovich, kobradov@dmreg.com 9:56 a.m. CDT April 2, 2015 Never mind what the media pundits say about the Iowa caucuses. Hillary Clinton should announce her presidential campaign here. That’s what Michelle Bernard, head of a Washington, D.C., think tank on women and politics, told an audience at Iowa State University this week. Bernard, […]
Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Presidential Election & Women in Politics

Posted: Wednesday, April 1, 2015 12:00 am By Mariah Anderson, mariah.anderson@iowastatedaily.com Michelle Bernard, an attorney, author and political analyst, touched on bipartisanship, the importance of women’s voices in government, the possibility of Hillary Clinton running for president and other issues in her lecture at the Memorial Union on Tuesday night. Bernard, who often serves […]
Michelle Bernard to discuss how women are changing politics on March 31
Attorney, author and political analyst Michelle D. Bernard – who is the founder, president and CEO of the Bernard Center for Women, Politics and Public Policy – will speak March 31 at Iowa State University as the spring 2015 Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics. She will present “How American Women are Changing […]
Michelle D. Bernard at the Ross School of Business of the University of Michigan: Action-Based Learning to Action-Based Living

May 2, 2012: Michelle D. Bernard, president & CEO of the Bernard Center, opinion maker, and lawyer tells Ross graduates metrics for success in life at Spring Commencement. ANN ARBOR, Mich. — She dropped the Accounting for Lawyers class after one day and was urged not to take any more economics courses as an undergraduate. Not […]