Childhood Obesity, Policy Papers

Smart Government and Childhood Obesity

PUBLICATION: A Question of Smart Government and Understanding Childhood Obesity, Poverty, and Access to Healthy and Affordable Foods

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About the Smart Government Project

This publication is a product of the Bernard Center’s Smart Government Project. The Smart Government Project promotes transforming American government and government decision-making by asking a very basic question of policymakers and the American public: Is a particular government policy, program, expenditure, or cutback smart? Does it make sense? Does it advance the ability of all of our nation’s citizens to realize the American dream and equally participate in our democracy? In furtherance of this project, the Bernard Center’s scholars and analysts conduct high-quality, independent research and, based on that research, provide and advance innovative, practical recommendations that promote, as Abraham Lincoln once said, democracy as “Government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

To speak with Michelle D. Bernard or Dr. Anne Rathbone Bradley about this topic, please contact:
Christina Jamison-Mozaffari at or (301) 807-5868 or Joy Fowlin

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